
Technologies of mass communication

communication is simply an act of transferring information or knowledge from one person to another. Communication can be verbal, non-verbal, written, or visual communication.

Technologies of Mass Communication Introduction

Mass communication is a process of sharing information with each other. It has various forms of technologies such as radio, TV, internet, social media, print media, etc.

social media

Social media provide a way to connect and reach their targeted audience. For example, people from different parts of the world interact with each other on social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter.


The Internet allows people to stay connected with late news among surroundings and the world, the Internet gives new information every hour. The Internet is the fastest way of communication.


It is the most popular type of mass media including newspapers, the Internet, radio, magazines, etc. Television replaced the radio as the public’s mass medium of choice in the 1950s, these changes only happened because of new technologies.


In the 90s radio was the most popular medium of communication, people used to listen to news from the radio until television came. Radio has the ability to reach a large audience at low cost.

The invention of radio and television changed the world of journalism forever. In the 90s radio was the most popular medium of communication, people used to learn news from radio until television came.

Radio has the ability to reach a large audience at low cost. The invention of radio and television changed the world of journalism forever.


In multimedia, we use sound, pictures, and film in addition to text on a screen. Multi means many and media means material through which information can be transferred or sent. multimedia combine all media type like text, image, graphics, etc.


The technologies of mass communication such as radio, television, internet, social media, and multimedia are the technologies in mass communication, improved the way we share and receive information. These technologies made it possible to connect with a vast number of audiences.

Social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter provide an audience worldwide, the internet has become the fastest way of communication in today’s world. These technologies have transformed the way we communicate, shaping the world of mass communication as we know it today. For more information stay connected with me.

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