The number of individual frames or images displayed per second in a video is known as the frame rate, It is often referred to as FPS( Frame Per Second).

frame rate is like a flip book because every page has an image in the flipbook, and when you flip the book fast, the image appears to be moving, this is how a video works digitally.

What is the frame Rate?

Prem Rave is often derived as FPS (frame per second), measured by how many images or frames are displayed in a video in one second.

Standard frame rates are, 24fps(Cinematic standard), 30fps (video standard), and 60fps (slow motion standard). If you have a frame rate of thirty fps, the camera captures 30 individual frames every second, And then play tag it displays as one continuous video.

If a video shoot in 60FPS it means 60 images will taken in a second. When you shoot a digital video clip, it appears as one single entity But actually, it is a representation of loads of individual pictures or frames.

It is the same as a flip book. If you do it fast enough, it will look like the little picture is moving, A frame was captured as a single image onto a rule of film.

Motion can be manipulated in two ways,

  • One, capture framework is how many individual pictures can be captured in one second.
  • Second, the project or playback frame rate which is set in editing software Change can be morally slow and fast in motion.

For example, the Camera capture frame rate is set to 24FPS in editing where the playback rate is also set to 24FPS, It appears as normal for the human eye.

  • If you Capture a frame rate of 48FPS per second, while the playback is set to 24FPS motion will be twice as slow as normal.
  • If you capture the frame rate at 12 fps, while the playback frame rate is sad at 24 fps, the motion will be twice as fast.

Usually, 24FPS is set as the base frame rate for the project. Two common frame rates are used for the majority of film and TV productions.

  • The first, 24p is based on the standard film exposure of 24fps.
  • 23.976 was also commonly used as a progressive scan format based on NTSC TV.
  • Another 25p which is used for PAL TV regions covers most of the rest of the world.

Frame rate have different implications such as movies, television, gaming, online content, virtual reality, graphic and animation.

  • Movies and television, Traditional films usually use a frame rate of 24fps. Television broadcasts often use 30 and 60 fps based on the region.
  • Gaming, Video games use frame rates ranging from 30 to 60 fps, although higher frames are becoming more popular in gaming such as 120fps or 220fps.
  • Online content, Online streaming platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter support various frame rates, and content creator can also choose the frame rate based on their preferences.
  • Virtual reality(VR), VR prefers higher frame rates such as 90fps otherwise it can lead to motion sickness.
  • Graphics and animation, CGI animation may use different frame rates based on the recruitment of the project. A higher frame rate provides smoother animations.


In conclusion, frame rate is a crucial aspect of video production. It influenced the visual quality and realism of motion whether in movies, TV production, gaming, virtual reality, or online content.

Understanding and choosing the appropriate frame rate is key to Achieving the desired view experience While the cinematic standard of 24FPS is classic look higher frame rates like 60FPS or even when 20 fps provide the detail necessary for fast-based gaming and comfortably we are experienced digital video canvas frame rates or vs the painter brush defining the motion and the very essence of visual storytelling. For more information stay connected with me. I also wrote an article on resolution for more information stay connected with me.

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