design and graphics


The principles of design are the rules made for the designers, By following these rules, designers can create an effective and creative composition. The thing is design is all around us, from the clothes we wear And how everything is planned in design.

The fundamental principles of design are emphasis, contrast, reputation, Proportion, movement white space, and Balance and alignment.

What are the principles of design?

The principles of design are balance, rhythm, pattern, emphasis, contrast, unity, and movement. These visual and graphic design principles work together and create an appealing and functional design that makes sense to users.


In a design page, an element’s weight should be balanced equally. Because every element on a page has a weight, so you should know how to balance them. The weight can come from color, size, and texture.

For example: while creating a design remember that both sides are equally balanced, with the elements on the right side same visual weight as the elements on the left side. If you are creating a building design so you maintain the element’s weight equally, like two windows left and two windows right, It looks balanced and visually appealing.



Emphasis is used to grab the viewer’s attention towards the design. It is the most important part of design Because, in this part, the designer tries to show the most important parts like brand identity or to highlight the main theme. It can be created by position, size, color, shape, and style.

For example: If you’re making a poster and brand name is the most important in the design. So you need to use the perfect typography and place it in the center or make it the biggest element in the poster. Use bold letters for typography.



Reputations mean when a Design Element is repeated in design, which can be a line, patterns, colors, typography, etc. It makes the viewer comfortable and familiar,

For example: In books or magazines there are same design element is repeated because it maintains viewer interest. some brands like Nike, Adidas, etc. These companies do not change their logos and they repeat the same logo which is why they are identified by their logos.



The proposition is the sense of unity created when all the elements in a composition relate well with each other. Proportion is about fine harmony between two elements, It is mostly about scale and size when two elements are compared to each other.



Contrast creates Space and differences between elements in your design. Your background color should be different from the foreground color because the viewer needs to understand which is more important. You can apply contrast by using color, size, shape, and texture.

Larger texts are read before any smaller text, Contrast is important When it comes to pairing fonts.

For example: If we use the same font in the whole design It confuses the viewer, and it looks unprofessional and confusing.



In rhythm, elements are repeated, Such as patterns and shapes, Rhythm helps attract the viewer’s attention and create a sense of flow. Rhythm is also used to convey emotions or feelings.

For example: a cloud, flowers, waves, or zebra crossing on roads to warn drivers that pedestrians are crossing or waiting to cross the road.



Patterns are the basic element of Design and they can be found both naturally and artificially. The pattern is basically a repetition of more than one design element. Patterns can be made with various things such as Paint fabric paper and many more. People also confuse repetition and

pattern repetition means the repetition of the same elements throughout a design. On the other hand, a Pattern is made by repeating different elements in the same design.



In conclusion, the principles of design form the foundation for creating effective and visual composition. these principles are balance, emphasis, repetition, proportion, contrast, rhythm, and pattern.

by understanding these principles of design or implementing these elements in our design, we can get very good results in our design. I also write an article on elements of design, for more information stay connected with me.

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